
Thursday, May 9, 2013

I'm Still Here!

Hello Friends! Or anyone still reading this blog,
I am still here, I promise! I have not meant to abandon blog writing. At times I just don't know what to write about. All is really good at our home. I have learned in the past year that life with three precious ones 5 and under is busy! These three blessings keep me on my toes. Thankfully our days are full with all good stuff: Bible study twice a month, library visits at least once a week( or more), play dates, laundry, reading together, working out at the gym, laundry, running errands, grocery shopping, family time together on the weekends, and oh did I mention laundry?! I love our life and my 3 blessings so much!

I try to be intentional with CA and TC on the two days a week that JP is at preschool. But if I were to be real honest these are the days we run errands or I catch up on house stuff. Balancing it all can be a challenge.

I have also realized I only have a short time with JP before he is in school full time in the fall for kindergarten. While I could be working with him more on the days he is home, I have chosen to follow his lead. He loves preschool and has really learned a lot this year! He  loves to read books, sing songs, dance, play super heros, play with legos, write his own "books", play with cars, and ride his big wheel. I realize I won't have this time back with him. The dynamics of our family will change when he is no longer home with me full time. So we just do a lot of fun things together and I feel that he is learning while we are playing and "doing life".

So that's what's been happening at our house. Stay tuned for more posts about literacy, less screen time, and the very active one year old in our house! Where did the last year go?

PS- I tried to upload pics to the post and was unsuccessful! I'll try again another day.:)