
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Muffin Tin Meals

I LOVE to make my boys muffin tin meals and they LOVE them too! The boys have been home for two days for summer break and they've had muffin tin meals on both days now! I love that I can give them six things in a muffin tin. It's just a fun way to serve lunch and it beats packing lunches! I was ready for school to be out for that one reason! Who else is feeling me, there?
Happy Muffin Tin Meal Making!
I originally got the idea to make them from

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Our Summer Learning Plan

We are excited to be out of school for summer! But this former teacher turned SAHM won't let the learning stop! I've read about how kids can lose so much of what they've learned during the school year and I don't want that to happen to my boys. So here's my plan to avoid that happening here.

We made our "Not a Bummer Summer" bucket list with all the activities we want to do this summer. We will color in each cloud as we complete the activity. We will also complete a mini lesson on how to be a "bucket filling family" after reading Have You Filled a Bucket Today?

Last week I got so excited to make create a summer learning plan for my boys. I founds so many resources on the web!! I shared the two pictures above on my personal Facebook page and then decided to share with all of you too here on the blog.

One part of my plan is to work together with all three of my boys three days a week for an hour. I will have rotations where each child will spend 20 minutes 1:1 with me, 20 minutes doing individual work, and 20 minutes on an educational website on the computer. I got this idea from Meaningful Mama (whom I love!!!)

We will also read, read, and read this summer! We will participate in our local public library's reading program and the Barnes and Noble Summer Reading Program. Through both programs students can earn free books.

I also found a great reading contract to use with boys at Literacy Loving Gals.

Then I found an awesome cool library challenge to use at the library at  Growing Book by Book.

I am looking forward to having fun learning and playing with my blessings this summer!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Thank You!

Two very special words that turned my grumpy heart into a happy, melted heart!

This morning was a terrible, awful, no good, very bad morning! My boys have two days left of school! And we are READY for summer! This mama is ready to have my boys home with me. I am ready to have relaxed chilling mornings. Don't get me wrong I love a good routine, but we're all just ready for school to be out.

So today was water day at school. My sweet boys had swim trunks and shirts on, sunscreen on and were ready to go, although CA could not find his swim sandals anywhere! After much searching from all family members he finally had to go to school in older tennis shoes and socks (which he was not happy about!) We turned the house upside down at the event of even making the boys late to school. Which is not our norm! My oldest was horrified by this event! I finally told CA if I found them I would bring them to him.  I came home to search more and finally found them! This mama just needed a little more time to think clearly about where those silly sandals could be! So I quickly ran back up to the school. When CA saw me talking to his teacher he ran over to me and took the sandals and looked at me and said... THANK YOU! Oh wow, that made all the searching and looking all worth it!

I will admit I was a grumpy, cranky mama. I even yelled a few times during the chaotic time of looking for the sandals. Once he said those two words to me I was all mush and so thankful for a thankful heart!

It made me stop and think. Do I say those two words often enough? Do I thank God for the many blessings He has bestowed on me daily? That is my prayer today. Thank you Lord for the blessings!
