
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Are you ready for some Football?!?!!

Well, ready or not, football season comes sometimes all too fast at this house! While football season is fun and exciting it also means the Daddy of this house is gone more working hard as he coaches. We love to support him at his games though!

So I found a preschool theme and ideas for football on the internet here and ran with it! We read football books, discussed the game, played football at home, and watched a game or two in person and on tv! We learned F is for football, fun, fall, frogs and so many other words! Here are a few snapshots from our week.

Ready to watch Daddy's 1st game!

Ready, Set, Hut!

Daddy and his two biggest fans!

We made brownie shaped footballs!


We even got to see Papa officiate a high school game and do what he loves! 

1 comment:

  1. I love your new blog!!!! You are amazing! Keep teaching those boys - you are the best and most important teacher they will ever have!


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