
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Public Library tips...

Those who know me well, know that I LOVE the public library! I didn't realize how much I love the library until I became a mommy. I thought I would share how I use the library to my benefit in our preschool activities.

Like I shared in my first post, I have planned our year thematically all the way through April. So I know what themes we are studying in advance. I love our library's online search engine and online account privileges. I will often search from home the books I am interested in and then put the books on hold. Then when the books are ready for me, the library system will email me to let me know they have been pulled for me and are on the "hold shelf". I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this perk. It saves this mama of 2 so much time to have the books pulled for me. Recently, my town's library only allowed 5 books at a time to be put on hold, and that just wasn't enough for me at ALL! So thankfully when I called and spoke to the library director she was willing to discuss it with her team and the allowed hold limits was increased to 10! Still not a huge jump for me as I was used to an unlimited amount at my previous town library, but I counted my blessings and am enjoying an increased hold limit. Check out the policy at your local library and try your searches from home of the books you are looking for.

Another perk I love about local libraries are the children's storytimes! I have been taking my children since they were both babies and they love it! I love the songs, rhymes, and books they learn while there. It is always good for children to have books read to them by others.

Just thought I would share a few of my library loves and tips! Go enjoy your local library!

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