
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Welcome to Teaching My Blessings!

Welcome to my new blog all about our preschool adventure together.

I have decided to write this blog to share with other Mommies of Preschoolers some of the great sites that are available with ideas and lessons to use with your preschooler at home. So many other blogging mommies share their units, lessons, and printables for free! I have been so impressed with the quality of activities. I have added my favorite blogs in the form of buttons on the right. I will add more as I write.

So after much prayer and consideration, I have decided to do preschool activities at home at least two days a week with my precious blessings(AKA children, ages 4 and 2).  I feel both of my boys, especially JP, need structure and activity to our days at home. I have researched preschools and mother day out programs and while they all look amazing, I don't feel that our budget will allow for it at the time. So after at first being sad about that, I then realized, God has given me gifts and talents and knowledge to teach as an educator, SO TEACH! I can teach my own boys at home. I never really envisioned myself "homeschooling" for preschool (if you want to call it that), but for now this plan is working for us. So I got to planning and oh boy was that so much fun! My teacher brain was on! And I loved it! I bought a $1 teacher plan book at Target and planned our year thematically. I then went to the library( I am a library fanatic) and checked out a ton of books for our 1st two themes. I also found a ton, I mean a ton, of websites about preschool activities to do at home with little ones. And the lessons and activities are all good. These other mamas are sharing all of their good stuff for free to other mamas doing the same thing at home. It amazed me how openly and willingly these ladies are sharing their ideas.

My plan so far has been to teach my children a Bible verse, a letter, a shape, and a color each week all connected with a theme. I will be sharing what we've done so far with apples, football, dinosaurs, fire safety, fall, pumpkins, and a Goodnight Moon book study. 

The first week I introduced a few new activities to the boys and at first they were hesitant, but then they really enjoyed it.

We sorted by colors, read books, sang songs, worked with cool whip and danced. Oh and attempted potty training for CA, hence his attire, but when a friend called to treat us to lunch, we hung up potty training for the day! It will still be there when the time is right. These pictures totally sum up the personality of the boys: CA jumps right in for new adventures and JP is unsure at first and then likes it.

Shapes in cool whip! "Yum!"
"Not so sure about this Mom?!"
"OH, this is really fun!"

Rolling dice and exploring the numbers.

We had a blast and look forward to more fun mornings together! I am excited for what God has in store for us this year!

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