
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Sticker Fun!

One of my goals lately has been to put more of our activities on trays. This week I put blue construction paper and snowmen stickers on a tray.

My original plan was to allow the boys to put the stickers on the papers to work on fine motor skills.

CA loved this idea and ran with it!
Then I had the idea to ask him to sort the snowmen as he put them on the paper. I then asked him how the snowmen were the same and different. I then "recorded his thinking" by writing down his observations.

I then decided to change the activity a bit for JP. He wasn't as excited about this activity and even told me "Mom, this isn't a good 'preschool stuff' idea." Oh, ok then. So I put a few stickers in a row for him and then allowed him to find the one that is different. He loves it when we do this kind of activity! And thankfully, he was willing to participate then. :)
I also recorded his observations. What amazed me was that he saw differences that I didn't see.
I am loving teaching and learning with my amazing blessings!

Linking up here:


  1. Isn't it interesting to see what details kids see, that we often overlook? Great activity!

    1. Yes! I agree, Brittney! Thanks for commenting.

  2. I love this activity! Definitely need to try this out with my little guy. :)

    1. Thanks, Jenny! I hope you do try it and have a blast! Thanks for your sweet comments!

  3. Very fun and I know what you mean about the kids seeing things you don't see. They are so observant! This happens to me all the time at school. Thanks for linking up to Thinky Linky Thursday!
    Lori @ Cachey Mama’s Classroom

    1. Thanks, Lori! Thanks for hosting Thinky Linky Thurs!

  4. What a fun lesson. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!

  5. I love the blue background--what a fun way to see things differently! Thank you so much for linking up at Teach Me Tuesday -- I hope we see you again today!

    1. Thank, Carla! I will link up again this week. Thanks for hosting!

  6. Thanks for sharing this at WOTT! I love that you listened to JP's opinion and modified what you were doing! What a good mama! We are learning to hear our kids' hearts :)

    Here is the link to the trays I have

    I wanted to tell you, though, that I have seen the same thing (sold individually) in the fingerpaint aisle at Michael's. If you have a good coupon or get them one at a time with a 40% off or 50% off you can get them for a lot cheaper that way.

    1. Hi Sierra!!! Thanks for the comment and tips! Awesomeness about Michael's! I will check that out!

  7. OK, I need to pin this one. This is a FANTASTIC activity to do with my little ones in speech/lang therapy who need to work on concepts. :) Thanks for sharing at Thrifty Thursday!


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