
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Guest Post at H is for Homeschooling- Lessons Learned

I am excited to share that today I am guest posting at H is for Homeschooling. Sierra has such an awesome blog where she writes about her homeschooling journey and shares amazing ideas. She is so very kind and sweet in all of her comments. She has started a new feature called Lessons Learned where her readers, share a post about about struggles they are having or something that didn't go as planned. I agreed with her when she shared with me that "We all have those moments and I think it helps to share them- it helps us to put a positive or humorous spin on an otherwise negative topic, it humbles us a little bit and makes our blogs more real and relate-able, and it helps others who have done the same thing to know they are not alone."

I wrote all about a recent lesson learned with JP. Feel free to click on the button and hop on over there to her blog and check it out!

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