
Friday, February 3, 2012

Learning Trays

This week we worked on more fine motor skills, matching, and number recognition with our learning trays.

The boys enjoy lacing the animals on the Melissa and Doug Lace and Trace activity tray.

I decided to modify a Baby Animal puzzle that we own that has a lot of pieces. The boys matched the baby animals to the adult animals. CA was able to do this independently, which when the whole puzzle is out he struggles.

I wrote the numbers 1-10 on clothespins and then had the boys match them to the number cards.

I finally found a very focused look for CA! He is such a happy learner and does everything I ask of him so readily, but clipping the clothespin onto the card required his undivided attention and concentrated fine motor skills!

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  1. Looks fun! We have those lacing cards, and we also have a similar puzzle--you match the animal to its home.

    1. Thanks for commenting, Brittney. The boys got the lacing cards for Christmas. :) I still need to work with them more on how to lace them correctly. :)

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks for stopping by and commenting! I am loving them too!

  3. Hi Trina! I love CA's focused look :) Clothespins are serious business! Thanks for linking up to WOTT!

    1. Hi Sierra! Thank you for commenting! Clothespins are serious business! Thank YOU for hosting WOTT!


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