
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Welcoming our 3rd Blessing!

I am thrilled, honored, and humbled to introduce to you our sweet 3rd blessing from God! Here on this blog he will lovingly be called "TC" or "Baby Brother", as the big brothers call him. We are all doing well. The big brothers are so proud and helpful.

The big brothers holding him for the 1st time!
Ready to head home to our family!
JP has become the budding artist of our family! He drew a picture of our new family of 5 this morning. He got all the details right down to TC's favorite spot being the swing and Daddy's gray hair! Melted my heart!          

Our Family of 5!

After many years of trying to start a family God had a plan for us all along in His timing! We feel extremely blessed to be the parents to these three blessings! We do not take our call to parent them lightly! 

A few things I've learned this week are:
  • It is ok to ask for help. As hard as that can be for this mama, it is necessary this week.
  •  Our big brothers need us to still be consistent and loving in our parenting and discipline. 
  • Nursing is a wonderful, joyous thing, but a little painful and time consuming in the beginning.  
  • We are in a sweet period of adjustment as we learn how to operate as a blessed family of 5! Who would have ever thought this would be my life? Not me! I am so blessed to be the mama to these boys! 


  1. Congratulations on your newest blessing!! I'll be praying as you transition to a family of five

  2. He is so precious. You look great. Wonderful job. It is an adjustment, but it'll be great. So excited for you.

  3. Oh my goodness! How precious! Congratulations to all of you on your newest addition!


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