
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Tickle Monster Fun!

 I found an awesome 6 Week Summer Reading Adventure at Mom on Timeout that looks so fun! Here are the rules:
  • Pick your favorite children’s book
  • Blog about the book inspired activity, recipe or craft
  • Stop by and link up!
  • The post can be old or new – any and all book related posts are welcome!
  • You can link up below or at Mom on Timeout and your post will be visible on both blogs
  • You don’t have to but we would love to have you follow along here or Facebook!
  • At the end of our 6 weeks ALL of you who have linked up will be eligible to win a copy of Tickle Monster by Josie Bissett!
We are very blessed to already own a copy of Tickle Monster as it was given to Baby Brother as a baby gift! It is a precious, fun book. I love the colors, the rhyming words and the illustrations in this book!  I was so excited when I saw all of the awesome ideas here to match the book. Many of the activities we did came from this link. If we did end up winning the book by chance, I would gift it to a friend!

So tonight I pulled out our book and allowed the fun to begin. Our book came in a cool box with 2 tickle gloves! So fun to put our fingers through the holes and tickle each other!

The boys were ready to read and tickle!
We made silly faces together! In the middle of the book the Tickle Monster encourages you to do this.

We also made play doh monsters by using our play doh, googly eyes, and Mr Potato Head parts.

I even made a tickle monster too. I often facilitate the play instead of joining in it. This time I played with play doh too. Then I handed the camera to JP, not too bad. :) And you get to see the whole living room. Oh well!
Then we made our own Tickle Monster drawings. I helped draw the outline and the boys colored them. I loved the way that JP added a lot of detail to his character.
While reading the book we discussed rhyming words and body parts. We had a lot of fun with this awesome book!

Linked up to some of these awesome  parties!


  1. Really cute! I'll need to check that book out!

    1. Thanks, Lorie! You would love this book! So fun! You should link up all of your great ideas to the 6 week reading adventure so maybe you can win the book! :)

  2. I love the playdoh monsters that you made using google eyes and Mr. Potato Head parts! It looks like you had a great time. Thank you for linking up this week to my Enchanted Thursdays Blog Hop!

    1. Thanks! We had a blast! Thank YOU for hosting!

  3. Cute, I might have to check out that linky. Wish I had more time to do linkies, even though I'm on vacation, feels like I still don't have time!Thanks for linking up to Thinky Linky Thursday!
    Lori @ Cachey Mama’s Classroom

    1. Thanks Lori! I know I could link up to parties all day, but I have to limit myself. :) You would really like this linky party for your little ones with so many literacy connections. :)

  4. So glad you linked up to Summer Reading Adventure! Stop by at the end of the series to find out if you won the Tickle Monster book giveaway. Have a great 4th of July!

    Mari Hernandez-Tuten

  5. What super cute monsters you made!

    I would love for you to link this post to Read.Explore.Learn on my blog!

  6. Hi Trina.
    Thank you so much for linking this great post to Artsy Play Wednesday on Capri + 3. I love it when ideas are sparked by a book and the learning is enhanced by great crafts and play ideas.

    : 0 ) Theresa

    1. Thank YOU Theresa for hosting Artsy Play Wednesday! Thanks for your kind words!


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