
Monday, July 2, 2012

The Children's Museum

One of the things on our Summer Bucket list was to visit the Children's Museum. We did this last week and had a blast!

The museum had a special Magic School Bus weather exhibit and the boys loved it!

JP was so excited to see "Elsie the Cow" again!


Making big bubbles with Daddy!

Love these 2 so much! 
We are having a great summer so far!


  1. What fun ~ wish we had a children's museum near us! And how brilliant is that gigantic tub of bubbles!! Thanks for sharing at Happy Family Times :-)

  2. That looks like a really good museum.

  3. Wow, what fun and great memories being formed. I remember many trips to our local children's museum when I was a child. Thank you for sharing at Happy Family Times!!


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