
Sunday, October 21, 2012

Nursery Rhymes Theme and Scissor Skill Update

We worked on nursery rhymes recently and really enjoyed it. I love aligning our preschool work at home with what JP is learning at his preschool 2 days a week. We read many nursery rhymes from library books and books we own. I was able to use amazing, free printables from Beth @ Living Life Intentionally. Thanks, Beth! We love your stuff!

Here the boys are working on a Baa Baa Black Sheep colors printable.

I love when JP is concentrating his little tongue comes out! So cute! 

CA has been working very hard on his scissor skills.  We used brown paper sacks, construction paper, and cutting printables from Cheerios and Lattes to help him. I saw BIG improvement in a sort amount of time with him! Yea!

How was your week? Thanks for reading!


  1. My little guy does that same thing with his tongue! It's so cute. :)

    1. Hi Jenny! I know, I agree! I think it is so cute. That is one way I know he is really concentrating. Hope you are well!

  2. Love the look of concentration!

  3. Creative piece of artwork. Nice idea to keep kid busy. Keep it up your good work. We have similar content on kids songs. We hope you also like our content to give preschool lessons to other preschool kids. Thank You.


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