
Thursday, December 13, 2012

JP's Preschool Christmas Program

I am loving where God lead us for JP's preschool experience! It has truly been a blessing to our family! JP goes to Pre-K 2 days a week at an awesome local church.

There are so many things I love about it! Here are just a few:
He has two amazing teachers who love him and the Lord.
He is doing so much for these two sweet teachers that he wouldn't do for me last year. 
He is meeting new friends! 
He learns about Jesus every day.
He is learning so much academically and socially.

I really love that they had a precious Christmas program where the kids learned and shared the story of Jesus' birth.  They began practicing their songs in October and JP ate this up! He LOVES to sing and he would belt out the songs in the car every day. In fact, once my husband asked me, "Does he have a solo in this program?" To which I laughed and replied no. I love that JP loves to sing songs about Jesus. My favorite part of the program was when they sang "Happy Birthday, Jesus" It was so precious!

JP was an awesome shepherd! He remembered all of his actions and signs during the play and sang his sweet little heart out!

They had an adorable nativity set that we snapped a few shots in. Love this crew so much!

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet sweet fun! He looks so cute. And great pictures - your family is adorable!! :)


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