
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

2013 Goals

Hello fellow readers and friends!
Happy New Year! I have not forgotten about my little corner of blogosphere called Teaching My Blessings blog. I've just been busy teaching them and getting settled into 2013. I loved setting new goals for a new year this year. I haven't set goals in a few years but I do enjoy it. It always feels like a fresh, clean slate to me. So to keep me accountable I thought I would share my goals here with all of you. I broke them down into categories.

2013 Goals

  • Give each member of the family 2013 hugs in the year 2013 (6 hugs per day)
  • Read to the boys everyday
  • Have a family devotional each day

  • Keep balance with family and commitments
  • Read one book per month
  • Blog once a week or more
  • Exercise 3x a week
  • Drink 64oz of water per day.

  • Get up before the boys
  • Have prayer and quiet time daily
  • Memorize one scripture per week.

  • Have one date night at home per week
  • Have one date night out per month
  • Read devotional and pray together on Sunday nights

Home management
  • Use my weekly and monthly chore chart
  • Use my Home Management Guide regularly

  • Teach JP to read
  • Teach JP and CA preschool activities each weekday
  • Teach JP to tie his shoes

Feel free to ask me how it's going! Happy 2013!

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