
Monday, January 21, 2013

Shaving Cream "Snow"

I try to expose the boys to different textures such as salt, pudding, shaving cream, and play doh for fine motor, sensory and writing activities. We had a blast exploring our winter/snow theme the past two weeks. So what else makes a great snow activity other than shaving cream? I put some of Daddy's shaving cream on a tray for CA and he loved it! The house smelled great afterwards too!
I called out letters, shapes and numbers for CA to write in the shaving cream. I loved his enthusiasm and excitement! He is learning so much and is a lot of fun to work with!

One thing I love about JP's preschool is that his teachers are amazing communicators. On Tuesday afternoon they sent an email to the parents sharing the activities, books, and center ideas that the class would be participating in this week. I laughed out loud when I read that they too would be having "Shaving Cream Snow"! JP does NOT like "messy things" such as shaving cream. I immediately emailed them back to let me know how he does with the activity. I talked it up with JP that it is ok to try new things. He still wasn't keen on the idea, but come to find out he did try it! Here is the picture his teacher emailed to me:

His facial expression cracks me up! He is one honest boy and doesn't hold back his feelings! I was just impressed he touched it at all! He is one awesome boy!

I love how God created each of my boys so differently!

Linked up to some of these awesome parties!


  1. Great idea, i introduced my boys to shaving foam yesterday & they wern't too impressed!

  2. Thanks for linking up to Mom's Library! I remember the first time I gave shaving cream to my girls. Both girls (and my kitchen) ended up covered in it!

    1. Thank YOU Ashley for hosting MOm's Library!

  3. So fun, but my daughter would probably give me a similar look. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!


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