
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

5 Little Monkeys

We had a lot of fun with the 5 Little Monkeys Tot Book from Carissa at 1+1+1=1. Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed is a book we have read many times and is a family favorite. The boys read along with with me when I read it the first time.  We sorted monkeys by sizes, counted monkeys in the mini book, and put the letters of the alphabet in order.

Then we enjoyed retelling the story with the picture prompts.We also used our "monkeys in a barrel" with the book too.

We also watched a few different versions of the song "5 Little Monkeys" on . The boys enjoyed watching them and I enjoyed discussing the differences in the songs and the book.

I had a lot of fun with my little monkeys today! Thanks, Carissa for sharing!

I am linking up to a very cool new "linky party" by one of my new favorite blog authors. It is called Thrifty Thursday at Playing With Words 365. You can visit by clicking the link or by clicking on the button in my side bar. The author's goal is to share free or virtually free activities every Thurs. I will be linking up there often as so much of my activities are free or very close to it,  as that is what my budget will allow. :)

This activity was free as it was a free printable from 1+1+1=1 and I already owned the book, but if I didn't I would have checked it out at my favorite local library!

Also linked up at Preschool Corner


  1. Trina, that looks like so much fun! My daughter LOVES that book...she also loves 5 Little Monkeys Sitting in a Tree. :)

    I just wanted to let you know that I am starting a new linky party! I'd love if you would come by and share this (or any other fun activities) at my first Thrifty Thursday Linky Party this week! It is a place to specifically share FREE (or nearly free) learning activities. Come check it out! And have a GREAT WEEK!

  2. YAY! Thanks for Linking this one Trina....I love it!

  3. oh this would be good for my 4 yr old. We sing a song - with high five hand "5 little monkies swinging on a tree, teasing the alligator "can't catch me". Up comes the alligator what do you see? (chomp hands) 4 little monkeys swinging on a tree ...." (repeat to zero)


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