
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Amazing Fun with Pudding!

Who knew pudding could be so fun! Not this mama! We had a blast and I mean "laugh out loud" at each other blast with chocolate pudding and cool whip this week! I have seen this idea on many other blogs and used to do this in my classroom with shaving cream. So I thought I would finally give it a whirl with the boys. They loved it!

First we made the pudding together. I allowed the boys to pour the milk discussing measurements of 1 cup.  They patiently waited and checked the refrigerator at least 10 times during the 5-10 minutes that the pudding had to get cold.

We made shapes, wrote letters, and wrote numbers in the pudding. We also discussed how the pudding feels, using lots of language. I think their favorite part was licking their fingers!

Of course in true "JP style", (my 4 year old) he wasn't so sure at first, but then he really enjoyed himself.
Not so sure at first!


I placed the pudding and cool whip on cookie sheets to contain the fun!

Now look at that smile! Priceless!!

Oh such yummy goodness.
Mixing all the goodness!
I am linking up to a very cool new "linky party" by one of my new favorite blog authors. It is called Thrifty Thursday at Playing With Words 365. You can visit by clicking the link or by clicking on the button in my side bar. The author's goal is to share free or virtually free activities every Thurs. I will be linking up there often as so much of my activities are free or very close to it,  as that is what my budget will allow. :)

This activity only cost me a box of pudding out of my pantry(which had been there awhile) and left over cool whip from Thanksgiving. So pretty much a free, fun activity!

I am also linking up to TGIF Linky Party at Living Life Intentionally. Check out all the other awesome ideas from other blogging mamas. There are tons of Christmas ideas there. We are beginning Christmas crafts and activities today! Such fun!

I am also linking up to Toys in the Dryer- Fun Stuff Fridays . Awesome, great ideas there too!!!

Also linked up at Crafty Moms Share. Great crafts there!


  1. Trina! This looks SO MUCH FUN! I'm going to pin this to remind me to do it with my daughter. Thanks for linking yo at Thrifty Thursday! Have a fantastic weekend! (OH and I have a great freebie tomorrow on my blog too!)

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog! You should be able to download the Christmas printables now. Thanks for bringing this to my attention!

    What a fun activity you have here and tasty too! Both my tot and preschooler would love using pudding as a fun sensory activity. I'm your newest follower on GFC!


  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love the yummy messy fun - I'll have to remember to use a cookie sheet next time I do something like that. I usually just put banner paper down and plop it on the floor! Cookie would be easier to clean. ;)


  4. Love this idea but I don't think my girls would do it :( They both hate the idea of dirty hands! We'd love for you to link up and share this with our readers though!:

  5. So fun! I would be a little worried that we would eat the whole love of this. I love the cookie sheet for the mess.:)

  6. So much fun!! I would love it if you would share at my Sharing Saturday party.

  7. What a fun (& yummy) activity - your rock! Thanks for linking up to TGIF! Can't wait to see what you do this week,
    Beth =-)


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