
Friday, December 2, 2011

Letter Q and Christmas Activities

We had an awesome week together learning.

The goals for the week were:
-Work on the letter Q
-Continue to work on fine motor skills
-Begin Christmas activities

I am still having an absolute blast working with the boys! From playing in pudding together, having calendar time, singing songs, and dancing, to just being together. We are having so much fun!

We focused on the letter Q this week and here are the books we read.
 Here are a a few of our activities! I love our new bulletin board! I know, I am a dork, it is the teacher in me!
 Here the boys are dancing and singing at the library! I love the public library and story time!!  JP even told me to sit in the black chairs along the wall and not with them this time. On one hand, I am so proud of my independent 4 year old and want him to do all of story time alone , on the other hand, ouch, you are killing my "mommy heart", sweet thang!
 CA lacing a leaf. He loves to smile for the camera!

A little more cutting practice for JP. He is getting much better at this skill. :)

We also worked with playdoh and Q "playdoh mats".

Many of this week's activities came from:
Preschool Palace
Preschool Corner

We began reading Christmas books together too this week. The boys each pick out a book at nap time and bed time.
 Then we made ornaments that I picked up at the Dollar Tree. CA's blends into his pjs a little too much. Oops!
I am learning that if I stay on a schedule and plan our activities well our mornings run so smoothly! Novel concept, I know! On the days that I shower before my hubs leaves for work and I am ready for the day things are much better. I am so grateful to be home with my boys and grateful for all of the awesome ideas I keep finding online to teach them! I have some fun things planned for December. Stay tuned.

Feel free to leave me a comment. We all love a little "bloggy love."
Hope you all had great weeks with your precious blessings too!

Linking up to:
Preschool Corner
Toys in the Dryer-Fun Stuff Fridays


  1. I hopped over from Toys in the Dryer. Your boys are adorable! They look like they have a great time with the activities you've planned. Where did you get the playdoh mats?

  2. I saw your link through Homeschool Creations. I had to comment since I just saw you were on mine as well. I have two small boys also and we picked the same background. Ahhh the validation of the homeschool blogging land, people similar to me :-D Great job, mommy! I'm looking in to a couple websites you noted, thanks!!

  3. Thanks for the comments, ladies!

    Lori, I sent you an email with a question. I agree with you, when I was on your site something felt very familar and it was the background. I love books! :)

    and Keitha, I commented on your blog, but just in case you don't see it here it is again:
    Hi Keitha,
    Thanks for the compliments on my blog. I got the playdoh mats from Preschool Corner. Here is the link for them
    She has one for each letter.
    I love your blog. You one one super creative mama to make themed lunches daily! You rock!!


I LOVE comments! I try to reply to every comment by using the reply function or replying via email (so please subscribe to the comment thread or check back). Thank you for the comments! Have a blessed day!