
Sunday, December 4, 2011

F is for Flexibility for this Mama...

I know I keep saying this, but it really is true. I am enjoying teaching my boys so much! I am also having too much fun planning activities, printing printables, thinking of ideas, and planning some more. It must just be the way my "teacher" brain is wired. All that to say I am loving this adventure of teaching my blessings!

In August I planned out our year thematically by week. Now that December is upon me and I am excitedly overwhelmed with so many great ideas I keep finding on the www I have needed to change my plan a bit.  I originally had planned to do a pirate theme this week, gingerbread man next week and then nativity theme the next week. All that to say, all of that has changed at least twice!  I am thankful for flexibility and an eraser! We will now be working on our nativity theme this week and gingerbread man theme next week and the pirate theme at some point later.

Stay tuned for our fun this week!

By the way, welcome to my new followers! I am thrilled and humbled that you would read about my adventures.

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