
Monday, December 5, 2011

Christmas Sensory Bin

This was my first attempt at a sensory bin. I have seen so many awesome ones online. I thoroughly enjoyed making this for my children. I started collecting things for it last week and finished up this morning.

In the bin:
36 Big bows
10 mini bows
mini muffin liners
Christmas erasers
red bows
pom poms
a few ornaments
new tongs
a new scoop
I need to add my Christmas cookie cutters. 
I got most of the materials at Walmart, The Dollar Tree, and JoAnn Fabrics $1 section.
First I just introduced the bin to the boys and allowed them to explore and play.  They worked with the sensory bin for at least an hour and a half! I think it was a success! JP loves the erasers.
CA quickly took to the new tongs.
 He then began to put the pom poms in the correct colored mini muffin liners.
 He really loves to smile for the camera!
With a little encouragement he then made a pattern. Such a cutie!
I can see the endless learning opportunities with this bin this week:
-creating and extending patterns
-transferring with tongs and scoop
-and most of all, lots of fun!

Check out other awesome ideas at these websites where I linked up this week.
Feel free to leave me a comment on any other ideas you may see that I don't. I love comments!


  1. Seriously excited to get a sweet note from you Trina!!! Made my day!!! I'm going to follow you, too. Right now! SUPER Fun Blog!

    XO, Aimee

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your sensory bin looks great, and your boys look so happy to have such a creative mama! I am your newest follower now :)

  3. i needto get some tongs! only problem in my home is I will need at least 10! :) I am loving your blog! Hope you come ceck mine out as well!

  4. Super cute sensory bin!! LOVE all the bows!! My mom would never let us play with them cause we saved them for the next year - so I am dieing to play with your bin! Thanks for linking up to TGIF. See you next week,
    Beth =-)

  5. love the muffin tin liners! I'll have to try that with my next sensory bin!



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