
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Nativity Theme and J is for Jesus

So this week we have had a lot of fun learning about Jesus and the Nativity Theme together.

I feel like the week has been a little off as I have been one sick mama with a terrible cold/virus and I don't feel like I've been on my "a game" but when I look at some of the pictures I've captured from the week you can see my boys have had a lot of fun, even if mama is sick. :)

We began our week by making candy canes with red and white beads and red pipe cleaners. I tried to encourage the boys to make an alternating pattern. JP understand the concept, not CA so much. But look how proud he is of his candy cane. I also explained to them if we turn it around it is a J for Jesus. We read the poem about the meanings of the candy cane together too.

We also did dot painting on the Happy Birthday Jesus printable. We also listened to the "J says /juh/" song on our leap frog letter tool.

My little bakers helped me line the muffin liners for banana muffins that I orginally made for Bible study, but then got too sick to go, so we will be sharing the love of lots of banana muffins with others this week.  Today we packaged up 6 for our faithful mailman.

Then who knew ribbon could be such a fun tool? This guy likes to wrap the chairs! Love his enthusiasm and his love to smile for the camera!

Each day we sing the "There are seven days in a week" song. Today I caught my boys singing on their own and pretending to be me at calendar time! Hilarious! Love them! I think we still have some learning to do!


We have also had a lot of fun with our Navitity Preschool pack that I found at 1+1+1=1.
This preschool pack has patterns, animal and people sorting, size sequencing, initial letter sounds, number matching, and more in it! I printed what I thought would work for us this week. I tried to work one on one with each of the boys on this pack. I individualized it by allowing JP to do more of the letter and number activities, while CA did more of the sequencing and sorting. I also printed them on cardstock and placed them in sheet protectors.

We also read these books about Jesus.I love teaching my children about the real meaning of CHRISTmas!
We also colored nativity counting and color mini books that I found at  2 Teaching Mommies that we loved!!!!

Linked up at:
Thrifty Thursday-Playing with Words
Toys in the Dryer-Fun Stuff Fridays
Preschool Corner
Living Life Intentionally-TGIF


  1. Trina, I am so sorry you have been sick. :( You are trooper keeping going with your boys! They do look like they had a GREAT time! Your boys are cuties. Thanks so much for linking up this week at Thrifty Thursday!

  2. I LOVE this post and ALL the stuff you had going on for your handsome boys!!

  3. Thank you Katie and Babies, toddler, and preschoolers! I am one blessed mama to two amazing boys.

  4. LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog. You are one amazing mommy! Hope you feel better soon. Love you sweet friend!

  5. So much FUN stuff! Love it! Super cute candycanes your boys made! THanks for linking up to TGIF! Looking forward to seeing you next week
    Beth =-)

  6. Humphrey's First Christmas - what a great book!!! Did you know you can follow Humphrey??? The author posted on my blog, see here: Totally cool!!! :) Stopping by from Toys in the Dryer! Check out our Nativity Sensory Train Table on my blog!


  7. Hi Bekah,
    Thanks for the information about Humphrey. That's cool. I did see your very cool nativity sensory train table and left you a comment, very cool.

    Thanks for all the sweet comments and bloggy love!

  8. We're going to be making candy canes out of pipe cleaners and beads sometime this month too. Fun idea! Hope you feel better soon!

  9. We are doing J next week, thanks for the great pipe cleaner craft!

  10. We've been having a lot of fun with those pre-k packets too. Great week.

    Popping in from Preschool corner.

  11. Hi! I love your candy cane beading! It looks like you guys have had a great week--I hope you feel better soon! Thanks for stopping by Whole Child Creative Curriculum!

    Carla @ Whole Child Creative Curriculum

  12. I love the candy cane craft! I'm adding this to my list for next year! By the way, I'm awarding you the Liebster Blog Award! You can check it out here:

    Merry Christmas!

    Criss-Cross Applesauce


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