
Thursday, December 15, 2011


We've had a great week learning about gingerbread this week. We visited the library, read books, worked puzzles, baked gingerbread men, read books, worked on the letter G and F, read more books and overall had a lot of fun!

Here are the 3 books we read. I loved talking with the boys about the similarities and differences in each of the books. The boys loved reading each of the books multiple times!

The Daddy even read a few gingerbread books this week too! I love it when he reads to the boys! Melts my heart and I love his voice fluctuation, as it is different than mine!

We have also enjoyed our Countdown to Christmas calendars that I found at Criss Cross Applesauce . She has some fun printables and games on her very cute blog! The boys have really enjoyed covering one circle with stickers per day.
We also hosted a playdate with friends to make an ornament craft and decorate a birthday cake for Jesus and just play. I love how our friend is waiting patiently for her turn to decorate the cake.
The kiddos ate cupcakes and we sent the cake home with our friends to share with their family.  I love sharing the sweets, and it gets it out of our house. :)
CA always smiling for the camera!
We enjoyed using the Gingerbread Baby pack from Homeschool Creations. JP is enjoying putting the gingerbread puzzle together. 
CA also worked a gingerbread puzzle. Sorry for the lighting here.
JP worked on tracing the letters G and F this week. I have to say he has progressed a lot in this area. Even a few weeks ago he wouldn't work on letter formation with me and I was getting a little concerned. After putting my "teacher hat" on and thinking about it a lot and picking the brains of two of my best friends who teach kindergarten, I decided to back off and see what happens.  I took a more relaxed approach with JP in regards to fine motor skills and writing the letters.  One important thing I have learned is that JP  will work on the skills more at his pace than mine. It is better for me to provide the opportunities and let him come to it. Needless to say, I am learning a ton about my children's learning styles. And I LOVE that! After tracing these letters he was so proud of himself and threw his arms up in the air and said, "Yes!" So precious!

Then the fun really began when we made our very own gingerbread men! I used a recipe from Living Life Intentionally. Thanks for the recipe, Beth! It was awesome fun! The gingerbread men cookies were yummy, fun to make, and cute if I say so myself.
Linked up at:
TGIF at Living Life Intentionally
Fun Stuff Fridays  at Toys in the Dryer
Sharing Saturday at Craft Moms Share
Preschool Corner at Homeschool Creations
Thrifty Thursday  at Playing with Words

Thanks for reading! I am humbled that you would read about my journey with my boys. Feel free to leave me a comment, I love comments! Feel free to "follow" us too! Stay tuned for next week as we are going to more Christmas games and make more fun crafts!
Merry Christmas, friends!


  1. Very cute ideas. I've been meaning to make gingerbread people with my kids, but never thought to pair it with one of our favorite stories! I also love the Christmas tree printable. Thanks for sharing. I'm following you on GFC.

  2. Hi Ginny! Thanks for the bloggy love comments and compliments! Thanks for following "little ole me". I too am now your newest follower on GFC. I love your blog!

  3. Your gingerbread men turned out so cute. My son's favorite holiday book is Gingerbread Baby. We love Jan Brett. Thanks for sharing such cute ideas.

  4. I love how you compared different versions of the story - what a GREAT activity!! And your gingerbread turned out super cute!!! Thanks for linking up to TGIF! I hope you have a wonderful, Merry Christmas!
    Beth =-)

  5. Ah, this is so sweet. I found your link at Toys in the Dryer, and am glad I did. Love the gingerbread men, the puzzles, the Jesus birthday cake - just a blessing to read your blog post. Thanks for sharing.


  6. These activities looked so much fun. I love your idea of a Happy B-day Jesus cake and having everyone decorate it :) Stopping by from Sharing Saturday and am now your newest GFC follower. hope you get a chance to visit me :)


  7. Thank you all for the very sweet comments!

  8. Lots of cool activities. I know what you mean, I love watching my little boy with my husband too.

  9. What a fun lesson. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!

  10. I love your Themes Trina! Looks like you guys had a BLAST. We never made our Gingerbread cookies...we may need to make gingerbread snowmen for winter ;) Thanks for sharing at Thrifty Thursday!! Hope you had a fantastic Holiday Season!


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