
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Moments to Remember-November

 Moments to Remember was developed as a simple way to look back on our week as homeschoolers and find photos that encompass the memories we want to remember. 
The week may have been tough, there may have been more bumps than smiles, but in the end these are the moments that keep us going, the ones we need to remember.

This is a new linky is for homeschoolers, or families who are keeping their kiddos at home during the early years {we  are considered homeschoolers too}.
I thought this was a great idea by two other awesome blogging mamas, Carisa and Jolanthe.

So as I looked over my pictures of the week these two stood out to me:

May I always encourage and cheer him on in his learning and life and give him lots of "high fives"! I want to be his biggest cheerleader! 

  The smiles on their faces is priceless! I love the way they are hugging each other so tightly too! While they love each other dearly, they do have their moments when they squabble and fight. I want to remember this sweet moment of hugging, laughter and thankfulness with our Wreath of Thanks above them.
I am linking up to  Moments to Remember at 1+1+1=1. 
Hop over there to see other moments to remember from the week.  

1 comment:

  1. These are great. I love the one where they are smiling and hugging each other!

    Dropped by from MTR.


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