
Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving Week Fun!

We had a great week getting ready for Thanksgiving! The boys seem to be enjoying our "preschool stuff" more and more! In fact today, Friday, JP asked "Mommy, can we do preschool stuff" which is what I usually call our fun activities. So of course I said yes, even though it being the day after Thanksgiving I didn't have anything planned, I improvised!

My Goals for this week were:
-Read the rest of our Thanksgiving books
-Work on fine motor skills
-JP work on scissor cutting more
-Ultimately just enjoy our time together

So here is a glimpse into our week:

I recently bought a new bulletin board that I love! I love displaying all of the boys' work in one place. So fun!

I found some cutting practice pages online somewhere, please forgive me for not remembering where. They were great for JP!
JP cutting! I love that tongue out when he is concentrating.
We reviewed colors again with CA.
His face describes it all, he proudly does his work.

At this moment, JP was getting frustrated with his cutting and took a reading break! 
We also worked on transferring, sorting and counting beans.

Notice the tongue again! I love it!

 For fine motor skill practice I had CA put as many stickers on his paper as he wanted. He loved this!

 We worked on a Thanksgiving Preschool Add On Pack from Lawteedah 

Shadow matching
More cutting practice

Matching Thanksgiving pictures

Working on Small, medium and large
 The Daddy was able to be home with us more this week so I handed the camera to him!
High Five! Great job! With more shadow matching. 

He got a match and was so excited!!!
 We also sang a lot of turkey songs and rhymes together. This one was our favorite.

I’m a little Turkey
Tune: I’m a Little Tea Pot
I’m a little turkey
Short and fat
Thanksgiving Day is coming
What do you think of that?
I had better run as fast as I can
Or your mommy will roast me in a pan!

I found it at Playing with Words. We sang it all week and JP could sing it all alone, which of course I thought was great! Here he is singing for you. He gets one rhyming word off, but that is ok.

More fine motor skills work with pipe cleaners and beads to make bracelets.

 And a little more sorting by color.

All in all we had a great week together getting ready for "turkey day". Here are my biggest blessings in which I am very grateful for! I am feel immensely blessed to be this man's wife and these boys' Mommy!

I hope your Thanksgiving week and Day was very blessed!

I am linking up to Preschool Corner this week. Feel free to hop over there and see what other awesome mommies are doing with their "littles" . I get tons of ideas from these awesome ladies!

Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment! I love comments!


  1. I love teaching my kids. Looks like your kids are having fun. Do you plan on homeschooling k-12?

  2. LOVE IT!!!! Looks like you guys had a blast. I am so happy that you all had fun with the little rhyme ;) Thanks for letting me know you enjoyed it!

  3. Thanks Veronica and Katie for the comments. We did have a blast.

    In answer to your question Veronica, right now our plan is to send our children to public school. As a former public school educator myself and my husband is currently a public educator, we support public education. Although, I am enjoying teaching them God's word now and me being in control of their learning. So we will prayerfully seek God's will upon that decision as we get closer. How about you?


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