
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Morning Fun!

We had a wonderful Christmas together! We have taken a break from our "preschool activities" to enjoy the reason for the season!

On Christmas morning we enjoyed opening presents, eating our monkey bread and breakfast casserole, going to church and just being together as a family. I love that this year Christmas fell on a Sunday as we really enjoyed going to church on Christmas day!

We have a few traditions that are dear to me that I will share with you here. We get our children three presents as a reminder that Jesus received three presents, and we like to keep things simple. And our sweet boys are so well loved by our amazing extended family!

JP got a new guitar!
CA got a new tricycle!
CA got a new Sesame Street puzzle that was a huge hit!
Notice the tongue again?! LOVE it!
They also received a new puzzle and a few new Melissa and Doug educational toys! Yea! I think I am more excited about those than they are!

This gift from Nana and Papa was a huge hit!
From our precious family members they also received new markers, crayons, giant coloring books, Chutes and Ladders, Memory, and HighHo Cherry-Oh games! All of which will come in very handy for our "preschool stuff", as we often call it! Such fun!

Each year we sing Happy Birthday to Jesus with the cousins on Christmas Day. My sweet sis made this amazing and yummy cookie cake, I take no credit! She is amazing and so very creative! Such a precious tradition and memory!
Such a great celebration of our Savior and Lord!
I hope each of your celebrations were awesome!

I am in planning mode for January and brainstorming a "winter" sensory bin! My brain is racing with ideas, which I absolutely LOVE! Feel free to leave me comments on your Christmas fun or any "winter" sensory bin ideas! You know I love comments!

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