
Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Liebster Blogger Award!

Wow! I am amazed and humbled that I was awarded a blog award called the Liebster Blogger Award by Lisa at Criss Cross Applesauce! Check out her amazing blog with great ideas and printables.

The rules of this award are as follows:
1. Show your thanks to the blogger who nominated you by linking back to their blog. Thank you, Lisa!
2. Nominate five other happy little blogs (200 followers or less) by posting a comment on their blogs.
3. Post the award on your blog.
4. Check out what the other up-and-coming blogs have to offer.
Now I would like to award these blogs:
1. Life Long Learning Adventures- This talented blogging mama is devoted to teaching her boys about Jesus and her advent ideas are awesome!

2. Mama Mia's Heart2Heart - This awesome blogging mama shares two of my passions, teaching and her family. Check out her blog with great crafts and ideas.

3.Sonshine Tot School- This dedicated blogging mama has amazing ideas that she is using with her son. Check out her lesson plans and ideas. 

4. Organizing Homelife- This dedicated blogging mama is passionate about organization, cooking and design. I have learned a ton from her already. 

5. Hearts for Him- This amazing blogging mama is a personal friend of mine who writes amazing devotionals on this blog. She is inspirational, honest and well, just amazing!

Happy reading and Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Thank You, Trina!! Appreciate you thinking of me. Happy New Year! :)


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