
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Build and Grow

The boys went to Lowe's for the Build and Grow workshop today. They love their special time with Daddy and so do I! I enjoy cleaning and vacuuming the whole house while they're gone! :)

The Build and Grow workshop is offered twice a month on Saturday mornings for FREE! Each participant also receives a free apron, goggles, a project themed patch, and a certification of merit upon completion of their project. They get to use hammers and nails to build their wooden project.

If you have a Lowe's near you check out their website at and sent your sweet children out of the house for a fun outing with Daddy.
I love the smiles on all 3 of their faces! I love that the boys have an awesome Dad who teaches them so much!  So blessed! 

This is a special moment I want to remember even though it really doesn't have a lot to do with our week of learning. I love that the Daddy was able to be involved in this learning moment!

Linked up here:


  1. Oh but there's a whole different type of "learning" when they do things like this! Plus, daddy time is very special!

    My husband and I have been discussing trying out the Lowe's and the Home Depot programs, and including it as part of our school. I would consider it beginning woodwork, and I think that's a fine handicraft for children to learn!

    1. Hi Brittney! I agree, there is a whole different kind of learning that occurs at these events. My boys love the time with Daddy, the craft and everything about it. :)

  2. I just started asking my hubby to take Liam out for about an hour on the weekend. We don't really have any family close by who can watch him, and I just don't feel comfortable leaving him with anyone I don't know, so this is my mommy time, which like you I usually spend trying to frantically get as much cleaning up done around the house as possible. But it's so helpful, even if all I'm doing is cleaning.

    Love your pic of your boys with their daddy.

    1. Hi Jenny! Thanks! I agree, I was able to accomplish a lot in one hour at home alone. I hope your hubby takes Liam soon. I think they would both love it.

  3. This is such a great activity for kids. I love that it's free too. We,ve been wanting to take our little girl but haven't yet. Thanks for linking up to fun frugal Friday and reminding me to put this on the to do list.

    1. Thanks Fun Frugal Mommy! I agree, I LOVE that it is free! :)

  4. Isn't it funny how we can ENJOY cleaning!?Ha!

    I've been meaning to have my husband take my daughter to this...she is very girly but would still enjoy making something...and having special time with daddy! Love it! Thanks for sharing at Thrifty Thursday, hope to see you this week!


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