
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Weekly Wrap Up!

This week we focused on:
Letter of the week: N
Color: Brown
Shape: Triangle
Character Development: Thoughtfulness (See this post here)
Bible Verses:
"No one can serve two masters." Matthew 6:24
"So in everything, do unto others what you would have them do to you." - Matthew 7:12
Fine motor skills

In December I did an informal assessment with both of the boys to see what colors, shapes, and letters we needed to focus on. CA needed practice with the color brown. Hence, our color of the week.

I found a few great activities at Preschool Palace for shapes and colors.

We read Brown Bear, Brown Bear and then worked our Brown Bear puzzle to coordinate with it.

JP breezed through all the colors.

CA needed a little reinforcement on a few colors. Here I am doing what I love, teaching my blessings.
I had plans to do a bug theme this week, but honestly we ended up doing a lot of other fun things too. We did use parts of this awesome printable from 1+1+1=1 on bugs and nets.

We used brown paper bags, brown markers and brown stickers for this craft.

For some tactile practice I put brown paint in a ziploc bag and asked CA to make shapes and letters for me. He really enjoyed this activity. JP wanted no part of it. :)

Then we used the grocery ads to search for brown items to cut and paste onto brown construction paper.

Then we pulled out our new tracing stencils that some sweet friends handed down to us.

Overall, we had an awesome, busy week learning and having a ton of fun!

Check out my new page to see where I linked up this week!


  1. I love all of your activities! Love your Brown Bear puzzle. Also love the idea of searching through a magazine to find items of certain colors to cut out!

    Thanks for sharing some great ideas!

    1. Thanks, Jenny! I am planning on making a "color book" for the boys with their new color sheets. Thanks for the sweet comments!

  2. You are doing such an AWESOME job Trina! I love seeing sweet pics of you and your boys!!!

    XO, Aimee

    1. Thanks, sweet friend! I sent you an email response too, I hope you get that. :) Thanks, it is fun to hand my 6 year old handy dandy "point, shoot and click" camera to the boys now. :) They love taking pictures for me!

  3. What great activities! They look like they are having so much fun!

    1. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. :) They do love to have a lot of fun together!

  4. Some excellent ideas! Thanks for linking up to Thinky Linky Thursday!
    Lori @ Cachey Mama’s Classroom

    1. Thanks! Thank YOU for hosting Thinky Linky!

  5. What great ideas!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!! Have a great week!

    1. Thank you!!! Thank YOU for hosting Sharing Sat!

  6. I think assessments are so important! I'm love all the ways you've found to address their needs! I'm so glad you linked up at Teach Me Tuesday!

    1. Hi Carla! Thank you for the "bloggy love"/comment! I agree, assessments are so important and I want it to drive my instruction. :) thanks for hosting Teach Me Tues!


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