
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Gentleness Challenge

I have been so inspired by a new blog I found Women Living Well written by an amazing Godly woman named Courtney who daily encourages her readers to Walk with the King. She too is a homeschooling mama to her precious children. I know this is my blog where I write all about my adventures of teaching preschool to my God given blessings of 2 sons, but this challenge is too good to not share with you other mommies out there. This month she is giving a challenge to speak gently to our children.

So I've taken the challenge! My heart's desire as a mom is train my children in the instruction of the Lord with a gentle and kind spirit. But let me be honest, I do not always succeed in this. Just last week I had a terrible, no good, very bad day and much of it stemmed from my not kind responses to my children. I was so saddened by my responses and want to speak gently to them. Thankfully, I serve a forgiving God who offers grace. And thankfully the next day was much better for all of us. :) I am realizing as a mom that my words and tone set the atmosphere for our family. I want that atmosphere to be of love and kindness and more than that I want our home to honor God in all that we say and do.

The assignment for the week from Courtney is:  "I encourage you this week to smile more, hug more, SLOW DOWN, listen, take a deep breath.  When you feel like screaming – whisper.  Pray pray and then pray some more.  Take time to write out, meditate and memorize the 2 verses above, as you pursue gentleness."

Hop over to The Gentleness Challenge and check it out.

A more gentle Mommy,


  1. Good luck on your challenge, sounds like a great idea. I am completely behind on responding to comments so I am so sorry if I never responded to yours, but just in case, thanks for commenting on Cachey Mama’s Classroom
    Lori :)

  2. I know exactly how you feel, Trina. I have days like that too. And when I do it always weighs heavily on my heart too.

    I think we have to just pray for the patience, gentleness and compassion we need each day, then make a conscious effort to be mindful of type of mommy we want to be as we go through our day.

  3. Love this post.

    Thanks for your comment at Reading Confetti. Happy to have found your blog and am a new follower!

  4. Thanks Ladies for the encouragement and "bloggy love" comments! I do love comments, then you don't feel like you are writing to yourself. :)

    Thanks Lorie for joining our journey. I have a special place in my heart for reading specialists as teaching reading and writing to my former 1st graders was my favorite part of the day! Some days I miss my teaching days, but I am grateful that for now God has called me to teach my babies.

  5. You made ME smile with all your sweet comments on my posts, Trina, and I think they were kind of a virtual hug, so I am sure you will do well with your children this week too :)

    And I am going to go check out the gentleness challenge right now! I think I am actually going to print out this week's challenge and hang it somewhere that I will see it. Or maybe several places. And I think I need the reminder to speak more gently to my husband as well as my children! He has been getting home from work late the past week and I have been more cranky and less encouraging than I would like to be.

    Thanks for sharing this!!


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