
Friday, January 6, 2012

Fun in the Sun!

This week has been unusually warm where we live and we are LOVING it! I read on someone else's great blog this week a goal to spend at least 15 minutes per day outside. I realized I needed to make this a priority and goal for myself too, so outside we went! 

Thankfully it was warm enough to do so without any jackets or winter wear in January! Yea! Here are a few snapshots from our fun in the sun!

JP riding his big wheel!

CA insisted on staying in his pjs this day! Oh well, the joys of being at home!

My 2 monkeys at the park! I love their sweet, silly hearts!

1 comment:

  1. They looked like they really enjoyed getting outside and playing. It's been unusually warm where we live too, so I took Liam to the park earlier in the week too.


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