
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Winter Sensory Bin

So I am having a lot of fun making these sensory bins and my boys LOVE them, which is even better. Prior to blogging about our preschool learning adventure, I didn't know what a sensory bin was and my learning curve has been straight up! I am just having fun with it and allowing my boys to explore the items in it.

The next two weeks we are going to be learning about winter and snow. I have a ton of ideas floating in my head and bookmarked already. It should be a ton of fun.

Here is our winter sensory bin that we will explore first thing on Monday.

In it the boys will find:
cotton balls
stryofoam balls(Dollar Tree)
snowman and polar bear erasers(Dollar Tree)
blue and white beads
blue and white pom poms
blue and white pipe cleaners
a few silver snowflake stickers
winter sight words

I can't wait to watch them sort, make patterns, and have fun with this bin! 

 Linked up at:
Thrifty Thursday at Playing with Words
Thinky Linky Thursday: A Day in Preschool
TGIF-Living Life Intentionally
What's on the Tray Wednesday-H is for Homeschooling
Fun Stuff Friday-Toys in the Dryer
Sharing Saturday-Crafty Moms Share
Show and Share Saturday- I Can Teach My Child
Sensory Tub Ideas-Our Worldwide Classroom


  1. Hello!
    I am a new follower of yours. Thanks so much for linking up to Thinky Linky Thursday! I love this sensory bin and how you also incorporated literacy! Great work :)

  2. Another great winter sensory bin to inspire me to get one made for my little boy this week! I pinned it and would love for you to come share it at my new linky party.

  3. I know what you mean about making sensory tubs. Sometimes I think I have too much fun making them, then I see how my boys get engaged. I'm also adding in winter activities this month, and I just made our winter sensory tub for this weekend.


  4. Thank you all for the sweet comments.

    Thanks Sierra, for the invitation. I will link up today. :)

  5. Thanks for sharing at WOTT! I am hoping to get our bin out by Monday! I really need to get back on the ball here now that the holidays are over. Have a great week!

  6. I love all the "snow" in your sensory bin!! And I love that you even included works - very cool!! Thanks for linking up to TGIF! Have a great weekend,
    Beth =-)

  7. What a wonderful idea. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!

  8. Awesome sensory bin Trina! I have actually NEVER done one of these! What kinds of things do your little guys do with the bins? I am curious about them! Thanks for linking up!

  9. Hi Katie! Thanks for your comment. :) I sent you an email with more details on sensory bins. Stay tuned as my next post has my boys doing more with it. :)


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