
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Morning Devotional and Christmas Card Prayers

Two of my goals for 2012 are to read a daily devotional with JP and CA and to pray together with them more.  We used to try to read our daily preschool devotion book at night and it just didn't work for our family. So I decided to do these two things at breakfast each day.

I have also seen the idea to pray over the families who send us Christmas cards a while back and I have wanted to do that for years and again struggled with when to find the right time. I have also struggled with what to do with all of the beautiful Christmas cards and pictures that my sweet friends and family send us anyways, and so now we are enjoying them all year!

So each morning I put our Devotions for Preschoolers book on the table with one Christmas card that was sent to us inside it. I explain to the boys who the family is and we pray for them and their day. I hope this is helping the boys to visualize who we are praying for. :)
We are enjoying reading the short, age appropriate devos together each day.
Our Christmas cards and the $1 Letter holder I found at the Dollar Tree to hold them all.
I pull one Christmas card from the top, pray for that family and then rotate that card to the back.
The letter holder stays on the edge of our kitchen counter top so it easily accessible.
My favorite part of this so far is that just yesterday, while grocery shopping JP asked me, "Mommy, who are we going to pray for tomorrow?" Melted my heart! I share this idea with you humbly as I have wanted to pray more regularly than just bedtime and meals with my boys and to show them how to pray for others. So far, this new routine is working for us and I hope touching the hearts and lives of my boys and those we lift up to our Awesome Heavenly Father.


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