
Sunday, January 15, 2012

New Blog Button!!!

Ok,  I am soooooooooooooo excited! I figured out how to make a button for my blog tonight! I have wanted to figure this out for a long time and tonight I did it! Yea! Feel free to grab my button from the sidebar on the right! Please let me know if you have any trouble!

Teaching My Blessings 
The tutorial  here helped me a ton.

I am giddy, I am so excited! 


  1. It is sooooo CUTE!!! I'm so glad you have one now :) I need to go over to the tutorial and check it out. I would love to learn how to make buttons...because if I learn, the possibilities are endless :)


    1. Thanks, Mia! I am so excited. This particular tutorial worked for me, I've read quite a few in the past few weeks and this one really helped.

  2. So very cute! I love the hearts...but that's obvious, right?


  3. Thanks for commenting on my winter sensory bin. I love your new button!
    Lori @ Cachey Mama’s Classroom


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