
Monday, January 16, 2012

Gentleness Challenge Update and Week 3

My mind and heart has been challenged a ton by the Gentleness Challenge hosted by Courtney at Women Living Well. This past week she encouraged me to whisper when I feel like yelling and to pray, pray, pray! Both of these tips helped me a ton! I tried both tips and they both helped me not to yell. I tend to get frustrated when trying to go somewhere with my boys. Sometimes they just don't seem to move at my pace, so I find myself getting frustrated and want to yell. This week I reminded myself of my challenge and prayed out loud over the boys and myself. I also whispered to CA many times when frustrated when I really wanted to yell.

I am loving getting Courtney's posts straight in my email each Monday morning. Today's post was all about anger management. When I first became a mommy, I never thought I would deal with any anger toward my precious children. Why being a mommy is my dream come true! But oh boy, there are days that I am angry!  And I don't mean to be. Today's post really spoke to me. I need to remember that my children are young and have only been trained and instructed in obedience, kindness, and self control for a short time. It is my job to train them, role model with them, practice it daily, and lovingly show them how God would want us to behave and treat others.

She also challenged me to look in Proverbs for words of wisdom on anger management. I am looking forward to trying to be a more gentle mommy this week!

 Thanks for allowing me to share my heart here!


  1. She's inspiring you, and you're inspiring me. Going to have to try these tips myself this week.

    1. Thanks, Jenny! I am glad these posts are inspiring you. I almost didn't write about it this week, but decided to go ahead. :)

  2. Thanks for sharing's amazing how easy it is to get angry as a mother, but I do hope to be able to take this advice and put it to use in how I manage my anger.


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