
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

"Emotional" Snowmen

We had a great time making "emotional" snowmen this afternoon.This was a quick, easy and meaningful craft! My kind of craft! I found this idea at Living Life Intentionally. If you have not checked out this site, be sure to do so! Beth shares awesome ideas!!

So here is how we made our "emotional" snowmen. We used paper plates, orange and black construction paper, and bingo markers. I cut out the noses and mouths for the boys. We used our bingo markers for eyes. Then they glued on the pieces and we discussed each emotion. I decided to focus on four emotions: happy, sad, angry, and surprised.

My silly snowmen!

We posted them on the wall as a visual reminder and tomorrow we will discuss them more.

CA took this picture himself. Not too bad!
Thanks, Beth for the awesome craft!
Linked to:
TGIF-Living Life Intentionally 
Thrifty Thursday-Playing with Words 365
Sharing Sat-Crafty Moms Share


  1. Love this idea! I'm pinning it right now!

    Criss-Cross Applesauce

  2. We are doing snowmen next week. I pinned this to remind myself next week I want to do this, thanks!

  3. Thanks for the shout out Trina! Your snomwan came out so cute!! So fun to see this - Thanks for Linking up to TGIF! See you next week,
    Beth =-)

    1. Thanks, Beth. It has been so fun to have them posted on the wall today to talk about how we are each feeling at certain times of the day. thanks for the awesome idea!

  4. It's a great way to talk about emotions, and fun for the kiddos!

  5. Sweet! I have this pinned. So much to be learned from this activity. Thanks for linking up at Thinky Linky Thursday!
    Lori @ Cachey Mama’s Classroom

  6. What a great activity!! Thank you for sharing it at Sharing Saturday!

  7. This is such a great way to introduce emotions! And I love Beth's site too. I am a new follower visiting from Crafty Mom Share. Vicky from Mess For Less


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