
Friday, January 20, 2012

Fun with Ice!

So I saw this awesome ice idea at Happy Little Munchkins and thought to myself, "Oh we could do that."

We have been talking about winter, colder weather, snow and ice lately. So this was perfect.

So I pulled out a muffin tin, 12 small toys/objects and water. I was just about ready to slip them in the freezer when I realized had made one big mistake by pulling the toys/items myself without consulting JP. He didn't like the objects I was about to freeze, so I revamped and I asked for his assistance. He then picked the objects to freeze and was a much happier camper. The next morning he was so excited and ready to check on the frozen treasures. So at 8am this is what we did:

First, I emptied the ice treasures into an empty bin.

I gave the boys a bowl with warm water, measuring cups, spoons, and medicine droppers to explore with. I challenged them to try to get the objects out. First they hit the ice cubes with spoons to no avail. Then they used the medicine droppers and quickly realized that wasn't enough water.

JP learning quickly that by putting the ice cube into the warm water it would loosen the object and come out easily. I know you can't really see his face in this picture, but he is delighted at his discovery!
Then they realized that the warm water becomes cool quickly, so they asked me to replace it with more warm water. I loved watching them learn and explore on their own! At one time JP said, "This is SO fun!"
CA began to transfer the ice cubes from the large bin into the bowl.
Then leave it to this adventurous boy to drink the ice cold water!!!

We used a lot of new vocabulary such as: ice, cold, melt, warm, and freeze.
Overall this was a fun, free, amazing learning experiment!

Linking up here:

I would also like to give a huge thank you and shout out to another awesome blogging mama, Jenny at:

who helped me figure out how to link buttons into my post! Thanks Jenny!!

Feel free to leave me a comment! I love comments!


  1. They look like they're having such a good time!

    I was happy to help! :)

    1. Thanks, Jenny! They did have a lot of fun with this! Funny how the simple things are the most fun!

  2. TRINA!!! I saw this activity today on another blog...This is SO COOL!!! Did your boys just LOVE it?? I need to do this with E and Ev. And talk about Thrifty ;) You are right, you can work on all kinds of vocab with this activity. Thanks for sharing at Thrifty Thursday this week! :D

    1. You are welcome, thank you for hosting the linky party! They did LOVE it! We may have to do it again soon!

  3. I did this after seeing the same post at Happy Little Munchkins, and we had a blast! I used all penguins as part of our penguin day, and they are asking me to do it again with different toys now!

    1. I am so glad you little ones had fun with this too! Have a great week, Brittney!

  4. Thanks for linking up to Thinky Linky Thursday. Looks like the boys had a lot of fun!
    Lori @ Cachey Mama’s Classroom

    1. Thanks, Lori for your kind words! I hope you have a great week!

  5. Thanks for linking back to my blog! I'm so glad your munchkins enjoyed the activity, it seems to go over well with the under-4 crowd! Hope to see you again soon, at :D

    1. Thanks, Lauzi! My munchkins did love the ice! Thanks again for sharing!

  6. What a fun sensory learning activity! I bet they LOVED it! Thanks for linking up to TGIF! Have a GREAT week,
    Beth =-)

    1. Hi Beth! Thanks again for hosting TGIF! I love stopping by there on the weekends to get great ideas, as always you are AMAZING! Have a blessed week!

  7. Boogie looooooved this so much when we did it! How did mommies entertain their children creatively before the internet?! I love how we can inspire one another! Thanks for sharing at WOTT!


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