
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Self Control-Character Development

I have found another amazing blogging mama who has inspired me! Her name is Jodi at Meaningful Mama. Her blog is a 365 day challenge to be intentional. She writes because she wants to be a meaningful mama. And so do I. Each day she shares an activity, a parenting tip and a character development idea. How she finds the time to blog 3x a day I don't know!

One thing that has really inspired me are her character development tips. She has shared about perseverance, patience and self control. This week I jumped on board with her in teaching my children about self control. Who could use more of that? Me and my precious boys!

It was fun to make a "self control" card with our scripture for it on the back.  We talked about the definition of self control and what it looks like in our family and home. We watched a character builders dvd with self control highlighted in it. We read books from the library and we role played a lot. Once when one of the boys were in time out for hitting I asked him, "What did you do wrong?" To which he replied, "I hit and didn't use self control." I thought, well it's working.

Front of our card that we've kept on the fridge.
Back of the card with 1 Peter 5:8 on it.
The Character Builders dvd we watched.
 Here are a few of the books we've read this week. Some of them discuss feelings but that's ok too. My favorite was Keep Your Cool! which really discussed examples of ways to use self control.

I want to develop the character of our children and teach them the Fruits of the Spirit. Even self control is hard for me on certain days, especially when I am trying to be gentle and not yell. I have to control my own urges to not lose my temper.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this post I am going to pin it and use it when I get to self control. I am also going to look into the DVD. This is so helpful.


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