
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

February Fun!

We have had a lot of fun focusing on Valentine's day, Love, Friendship, hearts, the colors red and pink, and 1 John 4:7-8.

We made heart shaped decorations with beads and pipe cleaners.

The boys have loved poking these sticks over and over again into the Styrofoam.

We worked on a few Valentine's activities from Get 'Er Done Momma!  The boys had a great time putting together these puzzles.
 CA is practicing opening and closing the plastic heart containers in our sensory bin.
This picture cracked me up because JP asked for a tray while he was working on a Christmas puzzle of his choice! I loved it and quickly moved V-day things off a tray for him. I have got to get a few more trays for all of our fun!

We had a blast with this Valentine day card tray! This past Sunday we were asked to bring a surprise for our children's Sunday school teachers. We were asked to make a homemade card or do something special for them, so we had a blast making cards for them with all of our foam stickers. I allowed the boys to be creative with their cards and then I wrote messages inside of appreciation.
I also printed these very cute candy wrappers from Anything but Perfect. She has some amazing, super cute printables for gifts!! Check it out!

So I got some Hershey's candy bars and wrapped them up and added another foam sticker for a little more color. We usually attend both services at our church as we teach at one service, so my sweet boys have quite a few teachers. :) Gotta share the love!

JP asked to work with our salt trays and use the animal erasers from the sensory bin! He LOVES the salt! Can you tell from this face?

Then one day we made Silly Heart Puppets. I got this awesome idea from My Creative Family.

These puppets were a hit! They have now been named and are played with often! Meet "Orange" and "Blue"! Quite fitting!

We also used our heart shaped ice cube trays to make red ice cubes. The boys thought this was so fun! Ice is such a fun thing to work with! I think I may have used too much red food coloring as I got too nervous about the food coloring staining my tile, so this activity ended faster than they would have liked. :)

I found the coolest activity with Hershey kisses, and a paper plate at Reading Confetti called Hunting for Kisses! The boys absolutely LOVED this game! I used our red bingo do-a-dot marker to make a heart shape with numbers inside it and then placed numbers on the bottom of the Hershey kisses. I then hid the red and silver kisses around the house while the boys stayed in one room. Then they ran from room to room to find them all! They loved searching for them! Then when they found them all they matched their numbered kisses to the numbered slots on the heart. We played 3 times the first time I introduced the game and then again twice the next day.

I can see this activity modified for so many fun activities. And the Hershey kisses were a gift to my hubby and I at church on Sunday, so it was frugal too! :)

We also made a "Heart Attack" door of love as a welcoming Valentine's gift to Daddy! I saw this idea somewhere in blogosphere (sorry I don't remember where or I would credit that blogger). So we made this "door of love" on the door entering our home through the garage for Daddy who works so hard for our family so that I can be home with these precious boys! We cut out hearts and wrote what we love about Daddy on them. He said the best part of his day was driving in the garage to see all of these notes! 

We still have more Valentine's activities to finish the rest of this week! I think we could work on hearts, love, friendship and Valentine's Day all month, but we will switch gears next week. But I have loved it and I've LOVED all the amazing ideas I keep seeing on blogs!

What have you and yours been up to this week?

Linked up to these great linky parties!


  1. I love ALL these activities! Looks like they had so much fun! Thanks for the link! :)

    1. Thanks, Lorie! We did have a lot of fun! Thank you for the awesome idea for the hunting for kisses game!

  2. You guys did a lot of fun valentine activities! I love your heart puppets. :)

    1. Thanks, Jenny! The heart puppets were a huge hit!

  3. Looks like you had a fun Valentine's Day with lots of different activities. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday! Have a great week!

  4. It looks like you guys had a fabulous week! I especially love Orange and Blue! ;) My kids have also been asking for trays for their puzzles lately...I'm hoping I can find some more big ones at a decent price! Thank you so much for linking up at Teach Me Tuesday--I hope we see you again tomorrow!

  5. I cannot believe how much you are doing when you are so far in your third pregnancy! You are a super mom, my friend!! And I love the idea of doing the heart attack for your husband together. What a precious reminder for him of how much you all love him! I love having little ones but I also look forward to having slightly bigger ones who can participate in this kind of special moment :)


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