
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Today was a fun, family day! I shared the day by expressing love to my three special men through food!

For breakfast we shared heart shaped banana pancakes.

CA is really more excited about his Valentine candy than the pancake!

I saw this idea called a "Heart Attack" somewhere in blogosphere (sorry I don't remember where or I would credit that blogger). So we made this "door of love" on the door entering our home through the garage for Daddy who works so hard for our family so that I can be home with these precious boys! We cut out hearts and wrote what we love about Daddy on them. He said the best part of his day was driving in the garage to see all of these notes! 
 In honor of Valentine's Day we had a red dinner with spaghetti with red sauce, red jello in the shapes of hearts, strawberries, and red cranberry juice! It was so fun to use our china and fancy glasses!
I even tried to use a heart shaped cookie cutter for sauce. Try is the key word here.
Here are my three loves ready to enjoy dinner in the dark by candlelight. It didn't last too long because we needed to see our food. :)
After dinner we played Candyland and then the boys and I baked chocolate chip cookies together.

What a fun day we had expressing more love to each other!  Although we try to express our love and appreciation daily!

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