
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Tot School Assessment Checklist

So I just wanted to share another tool I am using that helped me a ton today! Now that my "tot", CA, turned three we had his 3 year well check appointment with his pediatrician today.  Where did the past three years go? I loved that when the sweet nurse asked me all of the developmental questions I was able to pull out my handy, dandy Tot School Assessment Checklist that I found in August at 1+1+1=1-Tot School. You can click on the link and scroll down to see it on the left. The assessment assesses colors, shapes, physical skills, counting skills, letter identification, and body parts knowledge. It has check lists to use for three times a year. The former teacher in me has loved giving him these informal assessments at the beginning of the year, middle of the year and I look forward to the end of the year assessment. I love to see his growth!!!

I loved being able to pull it out and share all of my sweet tot's skills and abilities at his 3 yr well check! It was a proud mama moment as he is learning and growing so much and I am so blessed to be his first teacher!

Thank you, Carisa for the awesome, usable checklist! You and your site rock!! 


  1. What a great tool, Trina! Thanks so much for sharing it at Teach Me Tuesday--I hope we see you again tomorrow!


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