
Saturday, March 3, 2012

A non structured week with lots of fun!

If I were to be real honest and transparent, this week was different that most of our preschool learning weeks. I had a theme planned with a ton of library books to match it and I think we read one of them. We didn't do one "formal" preschool lesson. I did put out learning trays this week, but honestly my boys didn't show much interest in them. So what did we do all week?!?! Well, I asked myself this question too as reflected on the week, and then I remembered all of these things.

  • We played outside a lot!! It was a beautiful week in our neck of the woods! I think we went to different community park daily!
JP has finally learned how to "pedal" on his big wheel and loves it!
  • We happily hosted a friend for a playdate while her sweet mama ran a few errands(You know us "mommies of preschoolers" have to stick together, and help each other out when necessary)
  • We went to the library for story time.
  • We went grocery shopping together one morning.
  • We took Daddy his favorite soft drink and forgotten lunch to his work one morning.
  • CA recently turned 3 and we had his well check appointment at the pediatrician which I blogged about here
  • We danced and sang a lot together! Here is a video of the boys dancing to one of our new favorite songs  Hold Me by Jamie Grace.
 Please forgive the turning of the camera. Also, if you look closely you can see me sign "no" to CA for hitting his brother with his new $1 sword from Target. There were a few times this week when I wondered why I bought these swords for the boys! But lots of fun have been had with them. I had to really refrain from singing while videoing as I do love this song too! Many days we crank up the music and just dance!

Overall, we had a very "non-preschool" week and a ton of fun!  How was your week?


  1. I love the video of them dancing!

    I'm sure a lot of learning occurred even if there weren't any formal lessons.

    1. Thanks, Jenny! You are probably very right. I thought about that last night as I went to bed. :) Thanks!

  2. Our whole month of February had a lot of non-structured learning what with all of us being sick. At this age, kids are learning almost no matter what, like Jenny said, so just being there with them and talking to them is what they need the most. You are such a good mommy and kids are such sponges, I am sure they picked up things at the library, grocery store, and doctor's office that were as educational as anything we do at the kitchen table :) Hope you are feeling well!

    1. Hi Sierra!!! Thank you for your kind words. I know you are so right, they did learn a lot at those places too! Thanks for checking in on me, I am feeling pretty good. I think I lost my "blogging bug" last week too, but I feel it is back this week! :) Hope you are well!


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