
Friday, March 9, 2012

Imaginative Character Play

This sweet boy keeps me hopping with his amazing imaginative mind! He is very much into character, imaginative play! Which I LOVE!

At the beginning of the week he wanted to be Leo from Little Einsteins. So with a little thought and creativity, this is what we created. A black shirt with an orange stripe made of construction paper.
Then one hour later the sweet boy wanted to be Peter Pan! So he pulled out his new green striped shirt to get into character. A dear friend made him this hat while I was at Bible study. He LOVES it. He has worn it every day since! It now lovingly has a piece of masking tape added to the front of it as I've had to remind him that it is made of construction paper and probably won't last forever.

Very serious about his role!
Thankfully, he has two shirts that are very similar to be Peter Pan! He has alternated them all week!
Notice the tear where now masking tape is mending it. :)
I love spending my days with my smart, creative boy!
Linked up to these great parties! 

PS...I consider this activity frugal/free/thrifty as we used a lot of the items we have at home to work with his creative brain! 


  1. Hey, Friend. I nominated you fro the Liebster Award - Love, Jodi

    1. HI!!!!!!! Thank you!! I saw this on your blog tonight! Thanks a ton! I am honored and humbled!

  2. I love dressing up! Sometimes paper costumes are the best! Thanks for linking this up at Teach Me Tuesday--I always love to see what you and your boys are up to!

    1. Thank you, Carla for hosting TMT-I love checking your blog too!

  3. Love this and think you are such a fantastic mama to help him be whoever he wants to be!

    Thanks for linking up to Kid's Co-op!

    1. Hi Lorie! Thank you for your very kind words!! Some days can be more challenging than others, especially when we need to go somewhere and he has an idea in mind of how he wants to dress. :)

  4. So cute and simple. I love all ideas that can be done on the fly with little to no preparation. I love all the tape - these moments where the kids are in character we quickly forget as they get older. Be happy you have pictures to remember it by.

    1. Thank "Your Therapy Source Inc" for stopping by and your kind words in the comments. :)

  5. I love his Peter Pan idea. So creative! Thanks for linking up to Thinky Linky Thursday!
    Lori @ Cachey Mama’s Classroom


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