
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Our Nighttime Routine

Recently, I have felt like our nighttime routine wasn't quite working very well. Then I saw an idea at Happy Whimsical Hearts where she discussed her family's nightly rhythm. I felt so inspired to do something similar for our family. I used colored note cards to draw pictures and write out our nightly routine. I had the boys help me by telling me all the things we do each night. I then laminated the cards and put magnetic strips on the back of the cards. They are now housed on our refrigerator and have tremendously helped us stay more on track with a consistent routine. I also like that I can move them around as needed as the order of each night might vary a little.

JP in character of Peter Pan or maybe Captain Hook! You just never know who he is going to be each day!

Linked up at these awesome parties this week!


  1. I love that you involved your boys in making them - what a great idea! And so glad the idea has helped x

  2. This is a really cool idea. It's also nice to see how the night routine of other families goes.

    1. Thanks Jenny for commenting and visiting! I always appreciate your sweet comments!

  3. Awesome idea! I use visuals like this in the classroom all the time, but as my son gets older, I can see that these will be helpful at home as well. Thanks for sharing on Thinky Linky Thursday!
    Lori @ Cachey Mama’s Classroom

    1. Thanks, Lori for the compliments and for hosting TLT!

  4. Great idea! I need to make one for our morning routine.

    1. Thanks Keitha!I've thought of making a set for the morning routine too. :)

  5. I really, really love this idea and really, really need to do this! I've been thinking about ways to make bedtime go more smoothly around here. (I have a post coming up about one way I tried to make it more fun and it was a big FLOP!) :)

    Thanks so much for linking this up to Kid's Co-op!

    1. HI Lorie! Thank you for hostin Kid's Co-Op! Great ideas there! I understand, ideas that flop, I've had plenty of those. :) That's when the teacher in me has to "modify and adjust". Have a great weekend!

  6. Love that Peter Pan look! I am such a strong believer in routines, and I love the visual aspect of your routine--the kids can predict what's next...brilliant! Thanks for sharing on Teach Me Tuesday!

  7. This really is such a good idea!!! Kids love routine and doing something like this will get them in that!!! Thanks for sharing this with us at Sharing Saturday. Hope to see you again this week.


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