
Friday, March 16, 2012

Orderliness during Spring Break!

This week has been different at our house as the Daddy has been home with us for Spring Break! Yea! We love it when Daddy is home! This week we worked on the character development of orderliness. I chose orderliness for this week as we transform our house to get ready for blessing #3 who will be joining us in about five weeks! Wow! How is that possible? We are so excited to meet him!

But everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way.”  - 1 Corinthians 14:40
Orderliness (noun)
1. the quality of arranging things neatly
2. the disposition of things done in sequence
3. arranging objects in a harmonious way
4. observant of law, rule, or discipline

We discussed the definition of orderliness together numerous times this week. We also talked about ways to keep things orderly. I am teaching the boys a few new rules in our home to keep things more orderly:
  • You may play with one item/toy at a time.
  • You need to put that item away in the appropriate place when finished playing with it.

Both my hubby and I are organized, neat people for the most part. This week I've had to remember that to get to the neat, orderly, newly painted, rearranged rooms we have to have things out of order and in disarray first. There were moments this week where toys, furniture, clothing and all sorts of items were in different rooms. I had to remember what the end result would be. Keep reading to see. :)

JP and CA will share a room together now. So in preparation of new furniture coming and turning the toddler bed back into a crib, CA slept on his mattress on the floor a few nights. The first night he rolled off of it numerous times! So what does any sweet, blogging mama do?!!?! Grab and the camera and LAUGH!  I thought this was too funny! You'll be happy to know that right after snapping this shot I scooped him up and placed him back in the middle of the bed!

A couple of nights this week the boys slept side by side with their mattresses on the floor. Sweet sleeping boys!

Then later in the week the boys went to my parent's house for an overnight stay while we finished the transformation and got the new furniture and room ready for them. Then the Mommy and Daddy enjoyed a date night and getting the house more orderly. We even purged a few toys in the playroom while the boys were gone. Please tell me we are not the only parents who do this while their kids are away?!?! :)It felt great!

I am so very grateful the role my parents play in our children's lives!  I am also very grateful for their help! This transformation of rooms couldn't have happened without them!

JP and CA were so excited to see their new room when they got home. They immediately  ran to their new room to see it all put together. The smile on their faces made it all worth it!

I am very grateful for my sweet hubby who painted two rooms this week, rearranged furniture, and basically did so many things that this pregnant mama cannot.Whatever I asked of him he did. He has such a giving heart to our family!

I had a few St. Patrick's Day and Rainbow activities planned, but honestly we only played this one awesome M & M Rainbow Game from Criss Cross Applesauce Learning.
Hopefully we can do more rainbow activities this upcoming week. :)  

JP wasn't in the best of moods for this pic. :)

Linking up to these great parties! Check out these other awesome blogs!


  1. Their new room looks great!

    Only five weeks left?! Ah, but I remember how rough those last weeks are! The longest weeks of the pregnancy.

    Take good care of yourself, get plenty of rest, drink plenty of water! I'm praying these next weeks go quickly and easily for you!

    1. Hi Jenny!!!! Thank you for all of your kind words!! Funny that you should comment right now, as I was just sitting here surfing blogs and thought about you and that I hadn't seen a post or much from you in a while. I hope you are well!! Thank you for the prayers for the pregnancy, I am doing really well, getting a little more tired and bigger and ready. :) Grateful to God for a healthy pregnancy and baby. Take care!

  2. Haha no, sometimes I have my 5 year old help me clean out toys for donating, as I want him to understand the concept of giving (and not come to me six weeks later looking for some obscure toy) but it IS easier to do alone.

    Congratulations on the new bundle you are expecting, and I hope the next five weeks go smoothly and "quickly" for you. :-)

    1. Thank you Brittney! I agree with what you are saying about donating items too. We did sort the stuffed animals together and thankfully the boys were able to part with the silly "Sonic tot" toys to use in our Operation Christmas boxes for next Christmas. :) So I did try to include them in one purging step. Thanks for your sweet words. :)

  3. Love the new shared fun!! :)

  4. Your boys look so happy and excited :) Thanks so much for your sweet comment on my post, I truly appreciate it and needed it :)


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