
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Liebster Award

Today I was presented with a Liebster (German for favorite) award by Meaningful Mama. I was honored with this award in December, but again I am humbled and honored. I think I failed to add the award button to my sidebar in December. I've decided to humbly accept this award and pass it on to 5 other awesome bloggers!  This is an award other bloggers give to up and coming blogs with fewer than 200 followers.  I feel honored since I have only been blogging about teaching the boys since October.

When you get the Liebster Blog award you can pass it along, so this is what I am doing.  There are five rules for passing along the Liebster.

1)  Thank the person that gave it to you.  Thank you Meaningful Mama!I truly adore and love Mama Jodi's blog. She blogs about a parenting tip, a character development trait, and an activity or craft DAILY! Yes, that's 3 posts a day! I don't know how she does it, she continues to amaze me. She is one blogger who I know if we lived closer to each other, she would be my "in real life" friend as we parent and think similarly! But for now, blogger friends it is. :)

2)  Link back to their blog.  (Done above, click through, she has some awesome ideas!)

3)  Put the award on your blog. (On Sidebar)

4)  Present the award to 3-5 blogs with less that 200 followers.  (See list below)

5)  Leave a comment for them so they will know you recognized them. (Done)
I know some of these amazing ladies and bloggers may have been recognized once before, but each of them share their hearts and how they are striving to make a difference in the  lives of their children or the children they teach. :) 

1. Get 'Er Done, Momma!
I'm Jenny, wife to a wonderful man and momma to a mischievous yet sweet little boy. I hope you enjoy your time here!

2. H is for Homeschooling
My name is Sierra and I am blessed :) I have been married to my husband for 5.5 years and cannot imagine a better husband and father. We currently have two beautiful boys and look forward to expanding our family when the timing is right. We started tot school this summer, and are teaching our oldest about letters, numbers, colors, shapes, and, most importantly of all, about God. Thanks for stopping by to join us on our homeschooling journey!

3. Mom's Heart
I am the daughter of Christ. I am the the wife of a loving husband and devoted father, Matt. I am the thankful mother of two very handsome, healthy and happy boys-Elliott and Emory. We're homeschooling, learning as we go, and loving our life! This blog is just a peek at our journey.

4. Preschool Powol Packets
I'm so glad you're visiting! I am a public school teacher turned homeschooling mom who runs a small home daycare. I love to teach, create fun and exciting resources, and share the educational journey that we get to live!

5. Cachey Mama's Classroom
I am a 30 year old wife and mother of sweet baby boy. Recently bought a house and teach Head Start. Wondering where I came up with Cacheymama? It's my geocaching handle. Want to learn more about geocaching? Visit

Ladies, feel free to pass on the award or just accept it. Happy teaching and blogging!


  1. Thank you! I too love all of the other blogs you have listed! I have been awarded the Liebster before, so I am going to humbly accept and add your name/blog with the Liebster award on my featured page.

  2. Thank you so much! I feel so honored! I will accept it and pass it on later this week!

  3. Thanks so much for passing along this award to my blog!
    Lori @ Cachey Mama's Classroom


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