
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Weekly Wrap Up

This week we focused on:
  • Kindness
  • Colors
  • Tracing letters
  • Literature through a lot of reading 
  • Making Smoothies in the kitchen together

Early, early one morning ( and I do mean early as my boys are early risers!), I found these two cuddled up together reading a book together in the glider! I quickly grabbed the camera to take a snapshot as this is just too precious of them!

We made peach, banana, and strawberry smoothies together for a morning snack. I am trying to allow them both to be more helpful in the kitchen. This time we used frozen fruit, a little juice and yogurt! The boys loved their smoothies and I feel great serving it to them as I know they are eating a healthy snack. It's a win-win!
JP poured the juice.
And CA added the yogurt. I love his smile here!
This week I made a Preschool Notebook for JP with a lot of activities in sheet protectors. He seemed excited about it.

Here he is beginning to work on some of the activities.

I had a theme planned to work on the four seasons of the year, but when JP's interest switched to all things Peter Pan this week I switched the plans to adapt to him. He loved the activities in the Peter Pan Preschool Pack at Homeschool Creations.

This graphing activity in the preschool pack was a huge hit!

CA also worked on a color activity that I also found at Homeschool Creations.

I also taught CA how to sort the silverware while unloading the dishwasher this week. He LOVED it! He was so excited that when the Daddy got home he ran out to tell him, "I helped Mommy today!!!!! Mommy, what did I help you do? What it called?" I explained that he sorted the silverware! So sweet!

Linked up to these great parties!


  1. My oldest loves to help with the dishes, and gets mad when I unload without him! I am slowly adding more responsibility and he loves it.

    1. Thanks, Brittney! That is so funny he gets mad if you do it without him! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  2. Looks like a fun week. I love the moment you captured in the photo of them reading together, what sweet boys. And the smoothies sounds super yummy and healthy! Thanks so much for sharing them at Happy lil ❤'s are baking! Hope to see you again x

    1. Hi Happy Whimsical Hearts! Thanks for the sweet comments! I love your linky party of baking together, now if I could just remember to grab my camera when the boys help me bake!

  3. That picture of your boys is A D O R A B L E!!! What a special moment! I also LOVE the big helper with the silverware! I bet I could get my 3 year old to help now! :D

    1. Thanks Katie! I too got the idea and inspiration for my 3 yr old to help with silverware from another blogging mama.:) Love sharing the ideas with each other!

  4. I LOVE that first picture...seeing your kids enjoy each other is such a treat! And what a great cooking project too! Thanks for sharing at Teach Me Tuesday!!


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