
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Fab Five!

The past four weeks we have been adjusting to becoming what we like to call the "Fab Five" or a fabulous family of 5! We have been so blessed with family and friends loving on us in practical ways through meals and spending time with us and the boys. On the first day my hubby went back to work a friend from church came to help me with my three munchkins. She brought such fun activities with her for the boys. So blessed!

Playing with cool bubbles where the wand stayed inside. When you squeeze it, it comes up. Fun!

Peter Pan Painting with water! Again, so fun!

Our first  walk together

The boys enjoyed tracing with their stencils.

Here the boys were watching Baby Einstein together. It's never too early to begin a little Baby E! JP still loves them!

Sweet Baby Brother!

Our Fab 5!

We are extremely blessed. We have spent the past few weeks adjusting and transitioning and learning Baby Brother. I've tried to keep the big brothers engaged, but I've also given myself some grace as there are a lot of needs in our home right now. :)

I haven't blogged as much or followed all of the blogs I follow as closely lately, and while I do miss it, my family needs me most right now and I know all of you sweet blogging mamas understand. I'll be back to blogging more again soon.  So until then, enjoy your sweet littles. :) I know, I am! I am treasuring each day!


  1. You look absolutely fabulous, and I 'm sure you are doing an amazing job in the transition. I hope all is well!

    1. Hi Jodi! Thanks for your sweet words and compliment! Things are going well. We are getting in a groove and a routine (which is good for this mama)!


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