
Friday, June 8, 2012

Keepin' it simple...

The learning activities at our house have had one theme lately: simple! I have reminded myself that the boys are still learning through the simple things like: preschool books with dry erase markers, free drawings, puzzles, playdoh, riding bikes and walks. Since Baby Brother has joined our family I just haven't had it in me to plan many detailed lessons or activities. And that is OK by me! Here are a few snapsnots of our fun over the past few weeks.

His tongue still goes out when focused!

Silly faces with TC!

The boys love him so much!

He is now 6 weeks old and smiling often!

Daddy's Little Rookies in matching pjs!  The boys fought over who was going to hold Baby Brother in this pic!

The Fab Five enjoying the beginning of summer!
The Daddy of our family is now home for the summer! Yahoo!!! We are thrilled to have him home with us! He is a wonderful, hands on, helpful Daddy and husband and I am thrilled to have his help. We have a lot of fun activities on our Summer Bucket List. :) Stay tuned for summer updates!

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