
Friday, June 15, 2012

Summer Bucket List 2012

School's Out for Summer!!! 
Yea!!! This means the Daddy of our family is home with us more and we ALL love that! The last few weeks of his school year was a fun count down for the boys! And still 2 weeks into summer they ask him daily, "Do you have to go to work, Daddy?!" To which he happily replies "Nope!" He loves teaching and coaching, but thankfully he LOVES being with his family too! And I LOVE the help! Ok, how many times can I write "love" in one paragraph??! I digress!

So I found this awesome intentional summer plans blog post that has really helped me to be sure to plan our summer fun. Feel free to check it out here. There is an awesome printable there with great questions to help plan your summer activities. In the years past I feel like I've looked up and thought, "Well, what did we do all summer?" And I don't want to feel that way come August 1st. I want to be our plans to be intentional and meaningful.

So here is our family's summer bucket list:
  • VBS for JP (CA is too young this year)-Check! He had a blast!

  • Swim lessons for both the boys
  • Work on a few house projects
  • Enjoy the program.
  • Visit the Children's Museum a few times before our gifted annual pass expires. 
  • Run through the sprinklers a lot and enjoy our neighborhood swimming pool on hot days!  Check!

  • Enjoy our first family vacation to Colorado in July!
  • Visit with cousins and family more too! 
  • Mommy gets to tutor 1x a week (Yay! I love to do this as it fills my teaching fix and brings in a little cash!)
  • Mommy is enjoying a Proverbs 31 Bible study, if you need a great Ladies Bible Study this summer feel free to follow along at Women Living Well
  • Enjoy our family time together through visits to the gym, library and fun crafts and activities together! 
What are your "fun in the sun" plans?


  1. My husband is a teacher too. :) I'm sure you all will enjoy your summer off together. Have fun! Megan

  2. Looks like a fun summer awaits you. Here's our list...


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