
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Father's Day 2012

Happy Father's Day 
to the most amazing Daddy to our three blessings!

We began our fun day to honor Daddy by making whatever he wanted for breakfast. He requested banana pancakes. This is one of THE best banana pancake recipes ever! Keep reading for the recipe. :) I have decided that breakfast is my favorite meal to make for my family and I love involving these sweet boys.

CA loves to help. He happily grabs his stool and joins me! Here he is mashing the bananas.

JP is a little more reluctant to help or too busy playing. He did join us to hold the recipe and snap a picture.
The boys were so excited to give Daddy their card. The boys are very much into super heroes these days and Daddy's card was a Spider Man card.
 I love using this "You are Loved" plate for special days! I used to display it in my kitchen years ago and now I use it often for birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, and any other fun, exciting event in our family. Why only display the pretty items we own? Why not use them for the ones we love!

This banana pancake recipe is my all time favorite breakfast recipe. I received it from a fellow mama of preschoolers a few years back at MOPS. I make this delicious recipe at least 2-3 times a month. :) It is SO easy and yummy!

Banana Pancakes
1- 1/4 cup flour
1 Tbsp sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 cup milk
2 Tbsp oil
1 egg
2-3 ripe bananas

Mix together egg, milk, oil and mashed bananas. Stir in flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. Cook over medium heat, add more milk if batter is too thick.

Are you wondering what this sweet bundle of joy did the whole morning while we made and ate banana pancakes?
 He slept right through all the excitement and yummy breakfast!

Here are the most awesome men in my life!

Happy Father's Day, Honey! We love you!
 Linked up to some of these awesome parties


  1. Hello Trina!
    I was just wondering if you were still planning to do a guest blog for Tutorial Tuesday next week? Please e-mail me and let me know, Thanks!

  2. Such a lovely father's day morning you all enjoyed ~ including bub :-) Great recipe too! Thanks for sharing at Happy lil ❤'s are baking!!

  3. Aww, you have a beautiful family. I think my hubby and little man would like the pancakes, they LOVE bananas! Thanks for linking up to Thinky Linky Thursday!
    Lori @ Cachey Mama’s Classroom

  4. I love that last picture of all your boys--so cute! We'll have to try the banana pancake recipe too--it sounds delicious! And I totally agree with you on using special dishes--what a great birthday plate!! Thanks for linking up at Teach Me Tuesday!!

  5. So sweet and the pancakes look yummy! Thanks so much for sharing at Mom On Timeout!


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